The Opening of Iyar.

The first day of Aprilis! Old folk etymology suggests that it’s origin is ‘aperire’ which means ‘to open,’ and open up we shall, to possibilities and wonderments of the midterm spring! Iyar is the Babylonian term for blossom. Plant seeds and ideas, fling open the windows and doors and let fresh air seep in!

Today is the day for making plans and arrangements, set a goal that can assist with personal growth and development to be assessed and aided midmonth by the full and bountiful moon. There is really no better practical magic than planting a seed and nourishing its growth along side a metaphysical goal.

Do not focus on loss, if your target is to lose weight – focus on the activation of your cells as you nourish them with better foods, the extra energy that you hope to gain. If you wish to rid yourself of a personal downfall, then focus on what you will gain from this. You can never lose that which was not welcome in the first place – you can only gain from the riddance of such things.

The Goddess of the month can be visualised with her dormant horns appearing to develop throughout the month as a representation of the growth that appears within the hippocampus in the brain as one evolves. Work with her beauty and fertility to capture all prospects in the web.

Aphrodite is a particularly strong Goddess this month, she who conquered the sea and the hearts of all who encountered her! Be bold in your ventures, be strong and true to nature, nurture your desires, and work with the light to manifest your will – start now! 🖤

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